Monday, August 13, 2012

Three months since last post

Now it seems to be at least three months from the last post. Though I recovered from the pulmonary problems already in late June, my physical condition was (and still is)  rather poor. To add the loss of motivation, it is not hard to understand why I did not post anything...
Well, I have passed now with the new Foil 40 over 750 km, including one over 100 km ride. (That is not my actual mileage, I have ridden much more with MTB but shorter distances of 30-50 km.) The bike functions well.  I had the first free-of-charge service at Hawaii Express (the bike shop) and minor adjustments were done.  The initial problem with the down-slipping seat post is over. I complained about the problem also during the service but as it seems to be OK now, it was decided not to do anything right now. The scratches are seen on the seat post but as I was told that it is not a warranty case so I agreed it is better not to do anything at the moment.
Together, I am happy with the bike. As I noticed in my initial posts, especially I was surprised (and I am still!) how well the bike absorbs the bumps from the poor quality tarmac. Secondly, the gears change well even uphills. Both were issues in my old cheap aluminum frame road bike. The bike is a bit side-wind sensitive when trucks pass closely but it is actually not a big problem. Now I am confident that the bike will last for several years. In sum, it the Scott Foil 40 was a good choice to purchase.
It is clear that the aim of the annual 2000-2500 km will not be realistic for this year. I hope to ride1000 km only in this year. I understand that from a financial viewpoint the bike was too expansive for that short annual mileage but I like to say that those tennis players, golfers, and windsurfers pay much more for their hobby.
PS. I had two punctures already (first time I found a really tiny steel wire in the tire but the second one was without any visible reason). Well, can happen everyone... But I had also already four (correct, FOUR!) flat tires in my MTB this year, twice there was a visible reason, twice I was unable to find any puncture or rupture. After the last one I replaced not only the tubes again but also the tires itself. Thus, I had this year more tire problems than during the last 3-4 years together. Hopefully no one more...